Pool Masters Leak Detection & Repair
Specializing In Finding Leaks When Others Can't!

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Pool Masters specializes in leak detection and repairs of pools and spas.

Pool leaks can be very frustrating for property managers and home owners. A pool leak can result in serious damage to surrounding buildings. Excessive water resulting from a pool leak can disturb the soil below the pool deck and can cause the pool deck to collapse. Successful leak detection and repair consists of information gathering and progressive leak detection. Progressive leak detection is a step by step process, in which parts of the filter system plumbing and pool interior are tested in order to find the leak. Based on our experience, we recommend hiring a contractor who has the right expertise and resources to find and fix a leak. Pool Masters Leak Detection & Repair  is a professional in pool leak detection and offers various types of leak repairs.

©2011, Pool Masters Leak Detection & Repair, All Rights Reserved.
You may have a leak if:

-Pool has air in the system
-Equipment loses prime
-You see cracks
-Pool deck is sinking or lifting
-There are soggy spots around the pools
-You add water more than once a week
-Pool loses more than regular evaporation
​We offer Swimming Pool Leak Detection & Swimming Pool Repair Service, throughout Houston Texas, and all surrounding communities.
On all Major Repairs